The "E" Life
The "E" Life

The "E" Life
In this world of E-mails,
E-ticket, E-paper, E-recharge,
E-transfer and the latest
E-Governance..E- commerce.
Never Forget "E-shwar ( God )
Who makes e-verything e-asy
For e-veryone e-veryday
"E" is the most Eminent letter
Of the English alphabet.
Men or Women don't exist without "E.
House or Home can't be made without "E.
Bread or Butter can't be found without "E!
"E" is the beginning of "existence" and the 'End' of "trouble."
It's not at all in "war" but twice In peace
<p>It's once in 'hell' but twice in 'heaven'.
"E" is represented in 'Emotions'
Hence, all emotional relations like Father, Mother, Brother
Sister, wife & friends have "E" in them.
Also represents 'Effort & Energy"
Hence to be Better' from good both are added.
Without "E", we would have no love, Life, wife, friends or hope
& 'see, 'hear, 'smell, or "taste'
As 'eve' 'ear', 'nose' & 'tongue'
Are Incomplete without "E"
Finally no 'Life' & Death'
Without "E"
Hence Go with "E"
But not with EGO