charu tiwari



charu tiwari


The Day We Met.....

The Day We Met.....

1 min

Even though it has been four years

Even though we have seen all possible ups and downs and ups......

Even though there have been tough times

Tough enough to test us thoroughly.......

Won't say I can't live without you though

'Cause I can.......yet I just don't want to

And that wonderful day would remain a joy forever

A memory which can be cherished forever no matter what

Those tough times too couldn't make me forget all that........

All that we had a

nd that day......

That first look and the goosebumps I had

I never knew what being nervous and speechless was like around someone

Till that day........

That day was the first ever I was quiet,fidgeting,nervous.....

Your effect too was something else.....something so unknown

Yet so powerful,so mesmerising,rendering me completely helpless

There's such a lot to be said and yet

Words fail me even today

Such was that day..........

The day we met!!!!

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