

1 min

They are so right when they call me insane

Even I don't know what could be more appropriate for me

I'm so stupid and dumb I know

When you tried to come close to me I closed myself up in my shell

And now that I can't see you I'm restless and broken

When you were still so close to me,always there beside me

Even though miles away really but so close to me that I could feel you

Now that you aren't here to comfort me anymore

To pamper me or to even talk to me endlessly all day

I feel so guilty I didn't let yo

u break down my walls now

I feel so stupid to ask you to leave

You never asked for it I know and yet I feel you deserve a response

But won't give it this way surely......I at least know now I care

Maybe this distance has broken us both but has given clarity too

I know that hand is yours which is trying to pull me out of darkness

I know it's you who's standing beside me no matter how bad I'm or how much I hurt you

I can't do anything now except wait

But I'll not break my last promise to you.........

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