The Creation

The Creation

1 min

Seems like the creator was an artist

Adding a dash of color to every bit

As beautiful as it could be, oh Christ!

But are the humans right or unfit?

Nature has its own system of balance

Preserving every creature beautifully

And perfectly forever without menace

But have we humans done justice?

The creator’s most beautiful creation

Turned the earth into a ball of fire

Pollution is not alone to mention

Poaching and global warming also con


What is the point in calling her mother?

When development is only restricted to buildings

And not her condition or weather

Probably we are a torture to her

Or maybe the destroyers of earth

Those bright colors are now turning monochromatic

With smog and dust around the earth as wrath

Soon earth will be anthropogenic

Now is the right time

To change and correct ourselves

Or like a wind chime

We to will be blown away forever……

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