Stay Back For Another Day Pa!!!
Stay Back For Another Day Pa!!!

Returning back is not that easy...
For a father who has visited his 'married' daughter's house
Returning back is not that easy..
His heart would've been become
Heavy after packing back home...
'Stay back for another day Pa'...
Came the voice a 3rd time...
It was as if a pleasant tone has subtle quietly
Over the father's widely stretched out sky...
Its been many days already...
How many years more would it last...
Or would it become centuries!!??
Or is it that daughters' are stopping their fathers'
Since centuries asking them to stay back for another day?...
'Just one m
ore day Paa!!'...
Came a pleasing voice filled with affection....
And that father's heart melted away
Into an ocean of love and
It wanted to sail over for another day
Or may be for another lifetime too...
As the dark clouds encroach the sky
And then comes the rain...
Tears roll down from his eyes as he returns home ...
May be this was the first wish which that
Father couldn't accomplish for his daughter
Getting through mist or snow...
Or even more was easy to that father
Returning from his daughter would be
The most heart wrenching incident in his world....