Starry Night...

Starry Night...

1 min

On this alluring silent starry night

Stars are shining so bright.

As admiring the beauty of this vast universe you quietly sit

May be intimidated a bit

This night is sedately setting you free

Questioning you, who you want to be?

Darkness is slowly engulfing you

But finally you can see through

In this beautiful river of stars you find a never-ending hope

Giving you the feeling of calmness, like with any situation you can cope

Giving you confidence like you never had before

You want this moment to extend some more

You are heeding for this power coursing through your veins

Gently washing away all your pains

You just want to sit there being grateful for this wonderful night

While your respect for life has increased a slight

And for some reason you can’t stop to grin

As the first rays of sun redeem you of all your sins…

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