Standing on a crossroad,
On a silent mode,
With a heavy load,
I try to revisit my chaos.
Wondering which way I should go,
Which path I should follow,
Which truth I should accept and let myself know,
I try to define my chaos.
My chaos feel like those strings
Which with themselves are intertwined?
The more I try, them to solve,
The more they get troubling.
Absolutely still, I stand,
As my mind struggled to wander again,
Amidst the memories for which forgetting is in need,
And through the feelings which I no longer feel.
Two voices I heard,
Simultaneously within myself.
Too silent that nobody could listen,
Too loud that I had to cover my ears.
One voice was from
the heart,
The other from the mind.
Both overlapping and confusing,
Tearing me apart.
Thinking and indecisive,
Waiting for the answer,
I cross my arms,
And this time I let my heart to wander.
Sweating, I was tired of the invisible work,
That my mind and heart did.
So, I starting walking through a path,
Known as well as unknown to where it will lead.
Reaching my home in the late hour,
Searching bed for me was in need,
So that I could crawl back and lose myself,
In the nothingness of unconscious sleep.
In the morning I drew back the curtains,
As the sunlight crept in and filled my eyes with glee,
I thought of the last night,
And finally understood,
That yesterday I had revisited me...