Ratna Kaul Bhardwaj



Ratna Kaul Bhardwaj


Rejuvenate Humanity

Rejuvenate Humanity

1 min

Let the dying conscience

Be re-awakened,

And the ride, the sequence, the flow

Underneath re-settled;

Let the firmest side 

Of human souls stand tall,

And the bridges in bewildered minds

Never ever fall;

Let the neurons in the brains

Never lose the chord,

And tranquility, in the mother nature's womb

Get re-imposed;

Let the sharpness of golden beams

Pierce through the ghost-like shadows,

And the gentle dew drops form a spectrum

On bare barren meadows;

Let the tick-tock of clocks

Be the rhythm of life,

And the moving pendulum


every trace of strife;

Let all the tapestries of heavens

Be woven by humans with compassion,

And the hunched pain of human souls

Be relieved with no commotion;

Let rejuvenation be the goal  utmost

To rejuvenate humanity,

And the streams of red fluid in veins

Flow without hostility;

Let the heavens be snowy peaks,

chirping birds, vast lands, blue waters,

And the human hearts 

Blended with love, kindness, zero falters;

For God's heaven

There is no compass, no reach,

That shore might be eternal destiny

When breath breaches, without speech......

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