A flurry of poetic concoctions dedicated to the ever-pervading woman and mother. A flurry of poetic concoctions dedicated to the ever-pervading woman and mother.
She brings you into this world Keeps you safe in her womb She brings you into this world Keeps you safe in her womb
Rise O God; if you exist... place me back in the womb, Let me rest there forever. But oh! Rise O God; if you exist... place me back in the womb, Let me rest there fore...
The hatred in those eyes, The bitter twisted skies... The hatred in those eyes, The bitter twisted skies...
The poem shows how painful it is to be a woman. The poem shows how painful it is to be a woman.
And before those cruel hands could reach the womb The fetus decided its fate and the tomb. And before those cruel hands could reach the womb The fetus decided its fate ...