Lovely World And Sweet Seasons
Lovely World And Sweet Seasons

Born on a wonderful planet, the Earth a big house,
We lived there very well not known the secret and amuse.
It is the God creation not exceedingly small but a big round,
But clear the doubts when we turn our eyes,
Quite fit understand the change of rule as grown up now,
Able to walk, what the season change with reasons wise.
Still do not know how when the world is made,
Only know the world is lovely and God’s creations.
Full of mystery, joy learn to know change rule of all-season,
Hope for beauty, the purpose of change, fun, furry for each reason.
The summer of April, May and June are scorching heat and hot,
Begin to sweat, unbearable, love to have cold drinks, and a little cake pot.
Poor wanders of the storm, downpour rains in July, August give pangs relief from hot,
The l
ighting of thunder, cloud blast cannot move anywhere without a raincoat.
Fancy flash, God’s setting, happy cased in armor,
Autumn worthy affection, the smell of leaves change, vibrant flowers colors,
Those are September October for Dashera and Diwali more.
Experience cold with testy vegetables, hibernation, more strong, welcoming cold,
Nothing clam, but heaven joy in November, December are winter in the fold.
Full of fun for a picnic, Christmas, and lot joys of wonder.
The smiles of joy, bliss in January, February, March spring mellifluous, reawakens autumn,
Light of heaven, glory plume makes our lives sublime,
Funs of joys as those are the picnic time.
Oh cuckoo, oh! your chuckle sound -cuckoo, heartfelt song.
Thanks, the Almighty, for your world, sweet seasons of yearlong.