Teacher’s Day
Teacher’s Day

A tribute to the ardent promoter of education - Dr Radhakrishnan
Well we knew, eminent mentor, ardent promoter, bilateral thinker, Radhakrishnan,
That life with all its glory is swept down the stream of time,
When we celebrate teacher’s day in all education institutions.
Your longing, gifted bilateral think, is enshrine all our hearts agony eternity,
Sink into oblivion like right hemispheres, let sombre royalty.
Your great deeds, we always try to emulate, groomed in a disciplined quality,
We teachers always belief your tenet of thinking – train up in the way,
That go, when grow up, will not depart from all,
But let unending sight, to command to inspire to act courageously.
It does not matter, which way take, if we do not know but want crewman,
Always think of impossible, we must show
gratitude, making better human.
Try to follow self-inner beliefs, we are small accomplish great feats,
Be receptive-never know find a solution from the strangest best.
We learnt lesson your learning- risk learning, switch on, off, explore, are three all,
Remembering your honour Bharat Ratna, Knighthood, a lesson of successful.
Pursue excellence; hobby becomes the passion of our profession,
Teachers do fail, learners never, necessity is an invention, make impossible succession.
You thought teaching, brilliance just a word, teacher helps to nurture the talent,
Your life transcendent chariot ever rolls, demesne has melted like a dream exhalent.
Happen potential fullest; burdened with your memories, we teachers linger everywhere,
Living seed from the garland, your life draped around us, though you are nowhere.