Pouring In Your Essence
Pouring In Your Essence
I smile the very moment it starts pouring outside,
Not because I love rains,
But because it makes me
Feel your presence too,
It reminds me of
How you would surprise me
When I'm alone,
How you would make me feel so loved
When I felt like the world never wanted to,
These rains bring me your essence
That I miss each day,
Showers me down with all your love
That I long for even today,
These rains bring memories of
Some beautiful moments we had,
The memories of holding hands,
The memories of keeping
Promises to be together
Through laughter and pain,
I look out the window
Saying hello to you,
Knowing you would be out there
Listening to me from somewhere,
Listening to how I am,
Listening to how much I miss you,
These rains rem
ind me of
How you would always protect me
From any potential harm,
From any difficult times to face,
Wish I could have been the same
When you needed me,
And I could have had you here
Witnessing this beautiful rain,
I cherish these moments every time
Because these are all I have left of you,
The feeling of you still being here with me,
The memories that I relive thinking of you,
I wish these rains never stopped
Because I hate saying goodbye,
Hate losing you again,
Hate letting go of
The one thing that's keeping me alive,
I still wait for these rainy days
Like I always waited for you,
Staring at the skies forever
Like I've been looking for you,
I search for a sign of
Your presence in them again,
For in every drop
I am reminded of you...