Our Anniversary
Our Anniversary

Being your wife has always been a celebration,
A celebration for winning you for a lifetime,
Your favours to me can hardly be expressed,
There is no extent at which I am impressed!
You are always admired as my blessing,
A reward from Almighty for a good thing done,
Your support has always made me strong,
Forbidding me from anything wrong.
Being my soul mate, my dear friend,
A wish that you could step into my life much earlier,
My Love for you will always be special,
There is nothing in it which is superficial.
Dear! I promise to be by your side,
Strengthening our bond stronger with every passing year,
Every breath I take, thanks the Almighty,
For blessing me with more than I ever deserved!
As we unfold a new chapter of our story,
Here’s wishing us a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!