Rashmi Raj

Drama Others


Rashmi Raj

Drama Others

My Time To Me

My Time To Me

1 min

I did hold 'the steth',

As I prayed for you all,

Let the heartbeats sing,

The same tune along.

When was the day,

When was the noon,

I did miss to see,

Even the full moon.

I stood all day long,

Just to send you back safe,

But then someone comes in saying,

Hey, doc! just one more case.

Take a little time

To think of this once,

I too have a heart within,

And blood that runs.

A minute won't be a minute,

Not as easy as you say,

It would take an hour,

 For that minute to go away.

I too am someone,

Someone just like you,

Give my time to me,

May it be seconds of a few.

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