My Divine Journey!
My Divine Journey!

When I was born I was not sure whether I was alive,
I was just a dot of sand in a puddle struggling to survive!
Slowly something gave an unusual strength to abide,
And now I could feel some rhythmic thumping inside!
I was a lumpy small mass without structure or mold,
But the puddle gave me everything to preserve and hold!
I too started growing with some courage and pride,
Puddle changed to a bigger pool where I could reside!
I was slowly getting a feeling that I was in a sort of cage,
That my world wasn't only this pool, it's just a mirage!
I was swimming and learning and growing in my form,
I was changing into something lovely from a tiny wiggly worm!
I could think and feel that darkness would end & lead to light,
Though I could hear I hadn't acquired the power of sight!
I was hopeful and optimistic of a higher power divine,
I sometimes felt a caring touch over this fragile form of mine!
Slowly the voice that I heard started becoming longer,
My desire to reach to that light started growing stronger!
I was now having body with limbs to
move and explore,
But a cord was connecting me to this fluid's bottom core!
I could taste, feel, move, sense and blink in this confined space,
Though I was moving swiftly a sound gave power to my pace!
I wanted to know who's there waiting and longing for my call,
Though I was strong but not ready as I was still somewhat small!
I could feel that there's light at the end of this dark tunnel,
The watery pool was collapsing down to a short funnel!
I started breathing and feeling some happiness to be free,
There's somewhere a better place where I can always be!
The commotion outside was enough for me to enthrall,
I decided this was time to leave this dark room once for all!
I was determined, as that voice-guided the way to the shore,
I was just apprehensive about how to go out of that tiny hole!
But a divine hand readily guided me to a safe deploy,
I couldn't control my emotions and gave a weird cry of joy!
So I wasn't alone and thankful that I left that frightening dome,
I had a lovely mother who snuggled me to take me to my real Home!