Priyanka Dhull

Drama Tragedy Others


Priyanka Dhull

Drama Tragedy Others

Mother and Child

Mother and Child

1 min

I opened my eyes,

Saw a beautiful face,

She was a beauty 

She was grace... 

Her eyes were full of love,

Her pure soul shined through,

She was my mother,

Her expression so pure and true.. 

I am one month old now,

I see people around me,

But I have eyes for only her,

She gave me life, because of her only I am me...

I am 10 years old now,

I saw people cringe away from her,

Why are they scared of those beautiful scars? 

She doesn't seem to care as long as we are together... 

I am 20 now,

I know why, from her they pulled away,

She was an acid attack victim,

One scary incident that haunts her till today... 

I don't care how she looks,

I don't care about those scars,

For me she will always remain,

The most beautiful woman I've met so far... 

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