Lustful Abduction
Lustful Abduction

The moment she looks back into the rewind,
She remembers those awful days which still scares,
The ones which left scars,
Innocent was that soul,
But was killed by people mind foul
The cries no one heard of hers,
Did she really do any errs?
The pain she suffered was worse,
That for her felt like a curse
The 21st century we live in,
But evils still performing the mortal sin,
For lust was her body used for,
The self of h
ers they tore.
Clothes were blamed for the cause,
Was it really her flaw?
In the end, she was blamed,
A beautiful soul defamed.
An innocent soul assassinated,
Was it really fated?
Even the infants are targeted today,
For the age isn't a matter for the devil to prey,
Still, she fears to walk alone,
In the dark streets, she still mourns,
Is her body made for someone's desires?
The world has now become a den.