Love... Yourself

Love... Yourself

1 min

It took a while to figure out

Wanted to jump and shout.

Boy, it was a special feeling

Like bridging lands by the sea link.

Next steps were the hardest

Propose her and be earnest.

Sweaty palms and butterflies in the stomach

I hope my love life goes up up and up.

She saw and smiled at me

I was going weak at my knee.

Her presence made me forget everything

Wanted to hold her close, dance and sing.

Went ahead, looked straight into her eye

Got enchanted, like the deep and clear blue sky.

She knew even before I said

Broke my heart by saying " I'm committed "

The last line must have saddened you

Don't be disheartened, this is not new.

You have to wait until the time is right

Armour up and be the shinning Knight!

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