Love is Like the Rain
Love is Like the Rain

Love is that rain! which stops the brain! and start your heart!
Rain makes a heart GO Romantic
I find peace in the rain of love
Llove is that rain which doesn't make you wet, but gives you relaxation and comfort!
Falling in love is like the rain, it's unpredictable,
but there are always signs before it completely falls
Love is like rain. It comes in a drizzle sometimes.
Then it starts pouring and if you're not careful it will drown you.
love is like rain
When it pours it could be a storm
Or it could be beautiful
Sometimes there is thunder and lighting
s it rains while the sunshine
Sometimes the rain makes the flowers grow
similarly loves makes the heart to grow
And sometimes it beats them down..
Love is that rain! which makes your root strong!
Love is that rain that makes you realize what is right and what is wrong!
Love is that rain which enriches your life!
Love is that rain which makes life beautiful!