Neeraj Bhatt



Neeraj Bhatt


Let The Bird Fly...

Let The Bird Fly...

1 min

Let the bird fly... 

Don't turn, never look back, I want you to fly high in the sky and disappear from my eyes... but yes, I still want to stare at you, because my eyes never understand you properly, 

Now fly high as much as you can. 

You always think you were trapped in a cage, but little bird you are always free to fly, from the day you find me to till today.

You thought this cage will save you from all the odds, but you forgot,  this word is an illusion, there is hidden darkness,  you will see what your mind want to show you.


ly high and find a lee, but don't lurk, I don't want you to suffer more,  stay there and never look back,

I know you are in pursuit of peace, and almost everybody in this Earth following the same, so why you think I'm different from you...?

Fly hig and hang all the memories on the sprigged tree, where you used to sit all day and stare me with your big blonde eyes...

But my little bird, 

I forgot you always want to fly, I thought I'll hold you but I lost on the velocity of your thoughts,

Now fly high and never look back, I want you to find the peace...  


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