Let Me Write You
Let Me Write You

Let me write you
With an ink of Love
Let me fire up
Your desires underneath
For you are now impassive
A book never scribbled
Let me scrawl it
With full of zest
Let me love you
Like the valley-ed sun
Let the ray shred the cloud
Pinning down your emotions
For you are the ocean, having
Millions of sumptuous thoughts
Where the vehemence exists
Let it defeat your nemesis
Let me traverse every page
Every inch of it
Let me adorn the corners
And a
ppraise the beauty of it
Once you are written
The readers will be perplexed
For how sensational
Our story will be
I'll let you read my mind
I'll uncover you with my words
Let me breathe deeper
And inhale your fragrance
Of all those deadpan pages
Which I'm here to write on
I'll make it as if
It was never written as such
Let me write you
With an ink of love
And Let me fire up
Your desires underneath.
Just let me write you once and for all...