Rudraneel Ghosh

Drama Tragedy


Rudraneel Ghosh

Drama Tragedy

Just Another Ordinary Girl

Just Another Ordinary Girl

1 min

Since the day I was born,

From dawn to dusk and from dusk to dawn;

I whimpered and whined with all my might,

"Let me live" was my only plight.

Every day I hear the abuses hurl,

I am just another ordinary girl.

Growing up was altogether another affair,

Whatever happened, I could not flare.

They made me work till the wreck of body;

But I am grateful for they let me study.

My hair was thick with many a curl,

I am just another ordinary girl.

They made my life a living hell,

It was worse than being in a cell.

They blamed me cuz I am a woman,

Yet never

wronged the intentions of man.

Was not allowed to wear a skirt and twirl,

I am just another ordinary girl.

I also can bring my family glory,

But the news tells a different story.

Rape and violence are pretty simple,

Even if she did tighten her wimple.

If I rebel, they call me a churl;

I am just another ordinary girl.

They call us incarnation of Goddess,

Yet they are bent on tearing our bodice.

I will not tolerate anymore quietly,

Fight against the misogynists, I will, righteously.

I am going to raise my voice and skirl,

I am just another ordinary girl.

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