
It’s a long walk and I’m already tired
Of all the weight and the heat
It’s exhausting and I don’t know yet
How long it’s going to take me to reach
So I stop for a while and look around
At every single face, it’s a huge crowd
And an intimidating one, almost repulsive
But then I see you and I feel a little more assured
A little more at peace, a whole lot calmer
For you look as lost and as repelled
By the crowd and the walk as I do
So I take the first step to walk
Towards you not for once worried that it will
Slow me down in the walk towards the end goal
All of a sudden I do not want to walk alon
Hell, I don’t even want to reach the destination
We talk, firstly with caution, to test the water
Then more freely, because it just seems natural
And we keep talking for there is so much
To share, so many stories to exchange
For we have walked alone for far too long
This now seems easy, this long journey
Maybe it is too soon to hold your hand
Maybe I do not want to hold your hand
But I want to see that smile everyday, and
Hear you talk about everything you love
I like your company, you smile and say
And I think to myself, too scared to tell you
That I like everything now, for you are around!