Is It Really Selfless?

Is It Really Selfless?

1 min

She asked him,

"Why I miss you this much?

Is it because you taught me to trust?

Or is it because you showed me someone can care so much?

Is it because your heart somehow harmonised with mine?

Or is it because being with you always made me smile?

...But, isn't my love for you selfish then?"

He tucked her hairs behind her ears and whispered,

"ql-align-center">"Do you know why this is true love?

Because you believed I could be trusted,

And showed my care could never go wasted.

Because you let your melodies harmonise with mine,

And you blessed me with your adorable shy smiles."

He then continued while looking right into her eyes,

"Our hearts mutually share all the things,

So, never call your love for me selfish or something."

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