I'm With You!
I'm With You!

At times I get
This queer feeling!
That l
Don't belong to
This group!
I'm a stranger!
For, our thoughts are
Miles apart!
Ideas tastes and opinions differ!
Nothing matches!
Except the presence of each other!
I'm seldom candid
Shrouded by shame fear et el
Introvert as I'm!
But how long can I bear?
Forbearance too is a rubber
The more you stretch
It breaks apart!
I wait for opportunities
To break my silence!
But When I do
It's a catastrophe!
Just like a break of
An Elastic!
May it be a bra a pantie
Elastic broken
Creates havoc!
Come on what about
My patience?
My forbearance?
Why brand me as a villain?
I'm still with you!
Suresh Kulkarni
© 9 mins ago, Suresh Kulkarni