Dr. Vikas Kumar Sharma



Dr. Vikas Kumar Sharma


I Could Not Digest

I Could Not Digest

1 min

There was a secret with me

Which I could not digest

I wanted to tell someone

Who was not He or She

I thought to tell to my dog

Next morning we went for a walk

The dog was lost in the fog

As I forgot to keep the lock

I thought to tell to my cat

Excess eating made it fat

It will not tell anyone

But always was greedy for the bun

I thought to tell to the sparrows

Daily chirping in my house

Most of the time, fly in the sky

But could share with their spouse

I thought to tell to the rat

The secret will go into the hole

The apprehension of eaten by a cat

Will destroy it as a whole

I thought crow was a better choice

Talks to none because of its voice

It was easy to make it a fool

By any clever, cunning or cool

I thought to tell the flower

The problem was its short life

As it wilts till the next shower

Or maybe cut with scissor and knife

I thought to tell to the cow

What a fantastic idea, Wow!

Telling lie is not the cow's image

Whom to share with, a difficult phase

Then I got a superb alternate

Which opened my thought gate

Hurriedly I went on a lonely hill

Poured everything, for new to fill

To keep secret, a secret

I can not afford

Making me honest and true

Thanks to The Lord

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