I Am The Killer Of Modernity
I Am The Killer Of Modernity

I'm not safe today
Ravana is hiding in every house,
How can I save my hem?
Sita, Draupadi is happening even today
Tarnished, how can I save my shame.
Is it a curse to be a girl?
How can I stop feticide?
Today women walking step by step
How can I save my pride at the cost of success?
Mother gets scared after birth
How can I make my daughter be respected in the society?
Be it mother, sister, daughter, wife or daughter-in-law,
How do you put relationships on hold, commit misdeeds?
Masked wolves prowl around us
How can I recognize these eyes, these dark shadows make life hell?
A girl by birth does not become a prostitute.
Some fall prey to lust and are sold at brothels.
Mothers do not want to become mothers of daughters,
bsp;How to build the foundation of development in the shadow of terror.
Acid attack, prostitution, feticide, rape,
Today daughters are falling prey to love jihad.
Right education, right guidance
Raising children, crimes have to be stopped.
This blasphemy was not shown in T.V., films etc.
Show philosophy of Indian culture and civilization.
Woman is the mother of Narayan,
Will have to give place in the heart.
Virgo has Durga, Kali, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Sharda,
Annapurna Devi's form, we have to respect.
In the name of modernity
Shishan, girl, do proper nutrition.
Tax boycott of foreign culture,
Mother Bharti is doing this disrespect.
Men and women have to understand
Independence, freedom should also be limited
Only then there will be Namaskar in every age.