Her Secret Confidant
Her Secret Confidant

This piece reflects the pain of a heart who desires the warmth of her soul-mate, yet struggles to give way to her emotions as she speaks to her distant lover once in a while. What better than the game of masquerade when she can't afford to let her guard down & lose those hard earned moments with him. She has spent endless nights praying for the same, but, what of those days when she is alone and has only her tears to confide in. She's used to this long routine and this snippet provides an insight into her turmoil.
These days you visit me much too often,
Do you rejoice in my pain, my trials and tribulations?
Or, its your wish to surface the lies hidden and unspoken?
Armour be thy strength, so did you say
But with my feelings you always had your way
when in the darkest nights in your embrace I lay.
Would it be too much if I ask you to be kind?
Its taken a while now to accept, no more can I hide.
Yes, its He who haunts me! Yes, He has be-witched my heart, soul
and mind.
Lost in those eyes have I woven dreams, Dreams as true as my pulsating heart.
Eyes that are deep as the ocean’s womb, bright as the dawning star,
Light to the shipwrecked, peace to the souls that depart.
Warm are those hands that fit perfectly in mine,
Embrace me when I am weak, pull me up when my faith is blind.
Healing is their touch as He tells me that the missing pieces will fall in line.
You have visited too often, would this time you’ll be my guide?
And tell Him what my words fail to structure and feelings hide.
You have visited too often, would you tell Him the story we both have shared for a while?
The one where she sleeps with the hope that He’d liberate her from exile.
This time before you flood my eyes, would you let me drop my armour just for one time?
I wish to tell Him how much I miss Him, then you can lie that I am doing just fine.