J Clement Selvaraj

Abstract Others


J Clement Selvaraj

Abstract Others

“He Amongst You Who Is Without Sin, Let Him Cast The First Stone”

“He Amongst You Who Is Without Sin, Let Him Cast The First Stone”

2 mins

The woman panted squatting before the master

As the angry mob poised for a deathly leisure

Yelled in unison: "stone her, stone her to death." 

We caught her red-handed in the infamous deed.

Her death was not sought to sanctify the county,

Instead, it was a drama of the wicked and prudent.

To test the master teaching the blameless in the shrine

After a night's rendezvous with the father in the mountain.

The scapegoat glanced at the feet of the untainted goat.

Tears wetted her shroud as she stared at the beasts.

The one who partook in the act while she was held

Was now a prospective assassin jeering with a stone in hand.

She wished she went blind before her denunciation.

For she never wanted hugging hands to cast killing stones.

Nevertheless, seeing the true faces of her patrons

She found a good reason to kiss death and live no more.

The drama started as the seemingly god-fearing leader opened up:


r, what do we do with this adulteress?"

 "She is a threat to the society," quipped a scribe

Whose cunningness dared him see the glowing eyes of the teacher. 

As the accused recollected her might to face the catapulting stones

Amidst the multitude cursing her birth and spitting venom

And leaders indulging in an unsuccessful attempt of incitement    

The master radiated divinely love, leaning against the pilaster.  

 His fingers pronounced the ruling to the shameless crowd.

"Who amongst you is flawless to execute my father's commandment?"

Killer stones slipped past tainted hands as the mob melted away

Realizing they were no better than the woman they tried to slay.

Neither did the unblemished master judge the convict.

"Go in peace and sin no more," went the final verdict.

Who am I to judge someone and display my fault-finding pursuits

When I am not ready to reflect on my faults and make amends?

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