Bikramjit Sen



Bikramjit Sen


Hallowed Presence

Hallowed Presence

2 mins


Who's there?

Not there, I'm here

At the door of your heart

I'm the porter of all your lives

And I don't carry the baggage of your past

Can I ask you? 

The want of what...

brings you here?

Why did you even leave me to suffer at the hands of players?

Now, who is looking after me and my needs?

I have to do it all by myself, just telling...

Just dropping in a surprise visit 

To wish "take care"

Won't do anything!

It won't be of much good use, seriously

No seriously, it can never be enough 

At least for me, that is what I feel

And in my case

Is it even worthwhile to face the challenges that test the very core of my being...

You're taking me wrong after all these years past...

Glad! We met at last!

Don't take me wrong, I have not wronged you, no-never-ever!

I have been here since time immemorial, knocki

ng continuously ever since without fail...

Only you were oblivious to the voice of your heart...

Finally, it's time, and you've heard!


Without much ado, I tell thee

The mortifying ordeals, the trials, and tribulations of life are of my will

As I know, success is counted sweetest

When earned through challenges, hurts, and difficulties...

I appreciate the things done! 

You have had the guts to put in all the required efforts

To endure all aches; heroics like a stoic's son

A lot of hard work and perseverance, you've shown,

Of late 

Being a person of substance affords you

The leverage to get things done

Without wait 

Everything is Worthwhile!

Everything is worth the wait!

I know that!

All I can say is think about your heart...

Speak your heart...

It's a game of thought processes,

collocations weave a fine thread, and nothing else...

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