Afnan Fathima

Drama Tragedy


Afnan Fathima

Drama Tragedy



1 min

Her eyes dry out of tears ...

Beheld under a spell ,

Looked as far as her heart's fears.

For none but him, for her heart to dwell !

Those days of sorrow

And nights of tears remains as an eternal sigh

In her broken heart , more hollow !

As he was already gone from her sight !

He remained vague of her feelings for him ...

Not that he might have wished for it !

All she received was an impression far away and dim !

Though her tries were vain and flit !

Strings of communication remained ,

Staggering in between them !

But what she yearned for was more contained ,

His bare presence to mend her broken heart to firm !

Until the scars in her heart fade away ,

Shed tears and yearn is all she can cast

When time lingers her life in a sway !

As his bliss presence is already a past !

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