Nasrin Parveen

Tragedy Classics Thriller


Nasrin Parveen

Tragedy Classics Thriller



1 min

Have you ever felt that feeling

When you have messed up hair

Your eyes cherry red

Your nose dripping wet

Because of the sleepless nights

That you cried over thoughts

Your mouth wide open

You look up 

Gasping; for air

Because you can't breathe

Because you are suffocated

By the noises and the silences

You have had enough

So you look up

Searching and begging for help

Gasping; for life

Because no matter the hardwork

You are never good enough

So you look up

One last time; and 

You scream 

You shout 

You yell

To the maker

To take you 

To take your life

To take your pain

In order to just 

Just receive peace

So you look up

But this time you don't

Gasp; you breathe!

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