Don't Wake Me Up
Don't Wake Me Up
As I slide into my pillow my heart beat races...
I forget the day's troubles and the familiar faces...
I'm going into the world my heart so craves...
There's no need to be strong, or courageous and brave...
The green mountains scream through the smokey mist...
She is standing in the grass, her enchanting face, beautiful and sunkissed...
Her calls echo through the mountains, piercing into me as the cold air...
I'm free at last of reality, of life's unworthy cares...
She is my sister...
My comfort and my freedom...
The light I seek when I fall asleep...
Lighting up my eyes the moment I see her....
Don't wake me up from this dream, I pray!
For in her tender arms I long to stay...
Into her breasts I rest my head...
My eyes are wet but my spirit is well fed....
She caresses my hair with loving hands...
Speaking every word my weary soul demands...
She is alive...
She lives in my dreams...
Past the darkness of this world...
Past the fears and sorrows...
She's lives in the tears I shed at night...
Where there is only today and no tomorrow...