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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Aparna Subramanian

Abstract Inspirational Others


Aparna Subramanian

Abstract Inspirational Others

Covid, The Dreadful Disease

Covid, The Dreadful Disease

1 min

Desperately need a respite from the unhealthy wave,

Of a deadly disease, Oh God! Please save. 

Humanity is losing a battle against a small virus. 

It looks like a ringmaster, and we are a part of its circus. 

Kids are now strangers to their classes in schools.

Laptops and mobiles are their learning tools. 

No more visiting beaches or shopping mall,

No more sipping hot tea from a tea stall.

Weddings are no longer as they used to be.

Gone is the atmosphere tension-free.

People are afraid to step out of their house. 

Fearing for the safety of their children and spouse. 

Sanitizers and hand wash are now an integral part of our lives. 

Isolation is the key to survival as against crowding like beehives. 

How long do we have to endure this cursed Covid?

Its continued presence makes me livid. 

I pray to God for bestowing upon us His Grace.

By eliminating this virus, make this world a better place. 

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