Shubhangi Kotwal



Shubhangi Kotwal


"Child Labour"

"Child Labour"

1 min

So sad it is for some children at the age of,

Studying and playing with other children,

They have to do work to earn for the family.

Is it a curse for them or for our economy,

Knowing and trying many times but still,

They have failed or got little success.

We talk about this and again forget it,

People celebrate festivals, marriages

And celebrate with crackers for joy.

So many children do job of making

Crackers a dangerous work take away

Childhood joy of innocent children.

Hazardous things harmful to the health

Of such small unhappy children just to,

Earn a few amounts of money to feed family,

Why crackers have to be handmade and

Not machine made with less or no use o


Such needy unprivileged innocent children,

God !! Why you do such partiality when all

Are your own children. The rich home child gets,

Crackers they demands and poor doing labour .

It's poverty, or parents mistake or any reason

But why. A delicate, innocent have to suffer

They are forced or their understanding of nature.

when and how society will understand,

When the gap between Rich and Poor will get narrow

So each child gets his/ her rights/happiness.

No such situation should prevail where,

Children of our country or in the world are

Forced to earn for their parents and siblings.

God please take away this curse and bring

Big smiles on each and every child's face !!!!!!!

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