Sipra Patra

Romance Tragedy


Sipra Patra

Romance Tragedy

Broken Hearts

Broken Hearts

1 min

He turned swiftly,

Showing me his lonely back 

Walking away from me

Heh! I heard a crack. 

When the heart is full,

Full of grief,

The eyes overflow 

And body becomes stiff. 

Same was my condition,

Broken was my heart's trek.

Nothing could be done now 

Heh! It was really a bad wreck

On the other side 

There was a dripping, 

Unusually the tears were cold 

Because of the heart's deep wound. 

He thought something to himself, 

Giving a smirk that was pale. 

Eyes were full of emotion

Heh! He gave a large exhale. 

He tried to suppress 

But couldn't and said,

I let you go doesn't mean I wanted to.

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