
Poets have never tired, praising the beauty of rain
The grunt of thunder, the streak of lightning and the sweet smell of ripened grain..
The winter wrapped in its sweater of picnic, outings Christmas and New Year
Has always been a favorite:
Bringing warmth n cheer!
None can deny the charm of spring
Who with her fragrant blossoms
And chirping
To our ears make the bells ring
But barely has any artist
Noticed t
he beauty of Azure sky
Interspersed with cottony clouds
Floating near by
The smell of 'shiuli' and the sight of 'kaash'
The sound of 'dhaak' can be heard not afar
It ushers in the festival of meeting..the time of greetings
The cacophony of the vendors calling
The time of Adda ..the moment of peace
Will the 'virus' this year seize?
Shall we once again triumph and
The pandemic would cease!!