
AWAKE AWAKE for the mortals are trying hard to let you sleep.
For hours and hours, the rhythm of nature veils you from those cursed somniacs.
Not always you fall asleep nor you abide by the lamenting nature.
Why do you let yourself asleep for those who step on you?
Wake up, Wake up for this is the era of rising up,
To shine as of the sparkling Sirius,
To rise as of the mountain sun.
Not always the whites make you look bright
Nor the dyes make you l
ook young.
For ages, you have been sleeping with pillows of criticism.
For decades you have been on either sides of cultural cults.
No more shall you sleep, for the dawn is peeping out.
No more shall you drowse, for its time to awake your soul.
With utmost dignity, you are awake, awake.
Awake to witness crawls of sarcasm.
Awake to be a picky street visitor
Awake to trespass those bizarre bounds holding you back.