I posted a picture on the internet today,
After handpicking the best of all.
While she is left with no choices,
So she walks on the roads that burn
Carrying herself upon her feet that bleed.
I took my camera and checked up the lighting,
As I wanted the picture to look 'natural' and 'candid'.
A cameraman rushes to her to click a picture
As he is a magazine photographer searching for stories real.
I sweated and protested about the scorching heat
While I set up my camera.
She wipes the sweat off her father's forehead
On which the glabellar lines cease to exist,
While hers is carrying the roots and branches of it.
I held books in my hand to strike a pose
As my fingers laid in front,
Whose nails I painted yellow for this summer.
She holds the handlebars of her bicycle she can no more hold or paddle,
Her nails have painte
d themselves with the colours of mud.
I clicked too many pictures for me to count or recall.
Even after thousands, she remembered how many miles is home.
I captioned my picture
'This is a feminist’s quarantine’,
She hardly knows alphabets or words to even ask for help.
I swiped from filter to filter
Selecting an 'aesthetic' one for my white face.
She drinks the pitch-black liquid,
They tell her is water,
Without even demanding for 'cleaner' one.
I finally edited and made a perfect picture,
With my wide grin sealed with a gloss,
And the cameraman too asks for her to smile for once.
She with her deserted lips forms a curve that makes the cameraman frown.
He deletes the picture from his camera
As it would be disliked by all,
It got 1.9k likes,
The picture I posted on the internet today.