Anindya Biswas

Romance Tragedy Classics


Anindya Biswas

Romance Tragedy Classics

Apology Saga

Apology Saga

1 min

My life;

Take my heartfelt apology,

I am a fool; I admit;

I have failed to understand your heart's topology,

I deserve sadness; I deserve grief

For hurting you deep; My love;

I am a fool,

Lost in loneliness; misery should cripple my physiology,

You are the purest soul; you are my love; you are my God personified,

Bleeding your heart is an act of treason; a crime with hatred undefined,

You are my soulmate; my best friend; my digraceful world's only solace;

Please forgive me O my Lord; My sinful heart craves a touch of thy grace.

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