Chiranjib Mazumdar

Drama Tragedy


Chiranjib Mazumdar

Drama Tragedy

An Unfamiliar Mother

An Unfamiliar Mother

1 min

They said she was mad,

Wretched and shabby,

Clothes drenched in mud,

A life spent in the dark alley!

But that did not stop her,

From being a victim,

Of the nastiest predator,

One day was found nearly lifeless and numb!

But she was alive,

I still question if God was kind!

And soon she gave birth to a life,

Left to fend for herself, society was blind!

With her baby in her lap,

She roamed the street,

Fed mostly on crap,

By now she had sore feet!


The baby would not listen,

He needed milk,

Her motherly instinct kicked in,

And she opened her heart out!

She hardly had any blood,

Where from would she get milk!

But she was mad!

Mad in love with her cupcake!

The society was no more blind,

They did not see the heart,

They saw the flesh and were again unkind,

This time...

They threw the baby away and feasted

On her bloodless heart!

Thus it ended...

She lay there lifeless!

A mother, nevertheless!

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