An Ode To Mom And Dad
An Ode To Mom And Dad

You gave me birth, taught me to talk;
Holding my finger, you made me walk.
And then came friends, people of my age;
Slowly I moved to, my life's next stage.
Playing in the rain, I used to get ill;
But without any complaints, you nurtured me still.
Some things not to be done, was told by you;
Out of curiosity, I still used to do,
And then I came to you, bruised and battered;
You were there with me, always when it mattered.
Sacrifices you made, for my better future;
Gratitude to you, was still not in my nature,
Young and naive I was, nothing I knew;
You guided me throug
hout, till mature I grew.
Independent I became, took my own decision;
Your support was although there, there was never any cessation.
When upset I grew, it hurt you the most;
When happy I was, your joy knew no bounds.
A smile on my face, would make your day;
You never let any trouble, come my way.
Words are insufficient, to completely describe you;
For people like you, are extremely few.
Nothing much I can do, to repay your debt;
All I can do, is say 'Thank You',
Thank you mom, Thank you dad;
You are the best, anybody could ever have had.
Anybody could ever have had!