An Angel From Yonder Skies
An Angel From Yonder Skies
Behold, O human if you can ! I doubt your plumbless eyes
The bewitching radiance that Empyrean nymph scattered
Many would call her A "diety" or a "Goddess" from the skies
Is she mesmerizing mermaid or leto or venus or Demeter ?
"Fulguration in firmament sprouted a progeny
Which arose as a fulgent flexuous fleering figure
And spread far and near an Angelic Aroma in symphony"
Says the sacred accounts from city on Tiber River.
Though no one could ever beheld her effulgent face
Many a man tried to the detriment of their life and died
What only could be seen, the bright lightning with flash
Whenever through clouds of earth to her destination she rides.
Many wonders who she is but none could ever demystified
For one and all she remained "An Angel From Yonder Skies"