All Is Not Well!
All Is Not Well!

All's not well!
In the well!
So we wail
With a pail
In our hands!
All's not well!
We slog and slog
They flog and flog!
As They hold
A position!
They eat up
Our earnings
A third party
So very well!
All's not well! return
What we get
It's paltry!
Not at all
So well!
All's not well!
They live life
King size 
We live life
Like a mice!
Whether left
Or right
We always say
It's so nice!
All's not well!
Sweet talks!
Year after year
Years Together
Yet We remain
As we were!
All's not well!
I wonder
Who'd change
Who'd bring
A revolution!
We need a lead
We need a guide
Who would
Understand us
Very well!
All's not well!