A Journey To 7 Colours
A Journey To 7 Colours

The leaves of that slanted tree clash with each other,
As the wind passes through in between them,
That small bird is being protected by its mother,
Their bond, it is precious, like it's been stitched again and again by hem.
The clouds slowly grab my attention,
As lightning roars to escape the cage of vapours,
I sigh while it relieves me of my tension,
The clouds all look like cotton candy, though each one with slightly varying greyish flavours.
Slowly, I feel
the creeping scent of earthy mixed with rain,
I see the pores of the soil gradually filling up,
The worms are forced to climb out of the flooded drain,
As I'm collecting the rain while I shape my hands into a cup.
Finally, the long awaited moment,
When sunshine finally comes through the irregular fur balls
A rainbow is formed with bands of colours really potent,
It shows that we can gaze at the beauty of nature even while being trapped inside these big cement walls.