I might not be perfect , but yes , I am passionate about writing ✨
I am a hapless, young girl Living with my poor siblings. They are very close to me and thus... I am a hapless, young girl Living with my poor siblings. They are very clo...
Imagination creates situation , Situation recreates it ! Imagination creates situation , Situation recreates it !
I slept and dreamt that I was not in my home ; Before me , I beheld Lumps of soil coloured ... I slept and dreamt that I was not in my home ; Before me , I beheld Lum...
By bidding me a warm goodbye! By bidding me a warm goodbye!
It's the epitome of life! It's the epitome of life!
Yellow teaches genuine gratitude! Yellow teaches genuine gratitude!
It shows true divinity It shows true divinity
Excelling the rest, it resides above! Excelling the rest, it resides above!
Colours make our lives bright! Colours make our lives bright!
Satisfaction is the mere cue Satisfaction is the mere cue