Anindya Biswas

Drama Romance


Anindya Biswas

Drama Romance

Hope: A Devil's Illusion

Hope: A Devil's Illusion

2 mins

How a WHATSAPP status unfolded into an impromptu story

Original Status:

I still see you online,

So many times a day,

In a hope that someday

It will turn to typing and we will

Again talk like we used to do..!!

Now comes the in continuation with above status;



Bhabani Shankar Dey:

Even that I can't see...

The hope rolls down as tears..

Tearing apart my newly formed dreams...

Anindya Biswas:

And wondering, what went wrong,

Who to blame,

Time, or space,..alas no suitable alibi...

Bhabani Shankar Dey:

Still, I wonder...

Still, I go on searching..

Till the end of infinity..

I get back my own reflection.

I come back to the origin...

Anindya Biswas:

And Try to convince myself;

You, yes you, you

r life should newly begin;

But my heart acts naive; refuses to comply,

So I still wait in hope, in hope that you would one day reply...

Bhabani Shankar Dey :

Even that finest of intricate hope..

Of you coming back..

Will be lost in the hustle bustle..

I can't afford you to lose you..

Even in my dreams..

I fear of losing you...

Even I fear more of losing the hope...

You may not be there...

But a ray of hope is intact.

Hope..a never promising hope..but still hope...

Anindya Biswas:

This hope; sometimes,

Forces a thought,

What if you also share This hope,

Round the clock,

So, was its only hope to blame; or; evil ego;

Alas; gives rise of a paradox;

Which entraps our lives, in a key-less lock,

Keys, which we both fail to find,

Devil ego has kept the keys in a safe;

Far away from you and mine..


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