Indunil Madhusankha



Indunil Madhusankha




1 min

The heart beset with a thousand hopes

Which were ever increased by those of his parents

Who slaved away,

Not having even a sufficient meal

To their stomach

A bigger expectation, they bore

To see the refinement of their son into an expert


Dressed in white

With the bundle of books

Gently grasped in one hand,

He went down on his knees

Before his parents

Who patted his head murmuring,

“May the Buddha protect you, my putha,

You must be a doctor, a great doctor!”


Amidst many scarcities

Passing the A/L s

He entered the university,

Puffed up with applause and aspirations


Yet, so soon, a majority was awarded

Their degree,

The highest degree they could ever attain 

During a severe drought in the month of July


In the midst of the dry season

There was blood, drizzling


Fingernails were pulled out

Limbs were broken

Hairs were blown off

Bodies were battered to death or shot


Distinguished guests were treated with

The blood, blood vomit,

And the blood pudding of youth.

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