You Are Always There To Help
You Are Always There To Help

I joined during Baba’s 100th Mahasamadhi year. Mahaparayan is my life-changing movement. Prior, for more than 6 years, I had been struggling to get into my dream job in the IT sector. When I joined Mahaparayan within a few weeks, everything fell into place. It's like a miracle for me. I thought my dream would never come true, but within 3 to 4 weeks after joining I got a job. Also, during that time every week, my allotted chapter was related to a job eg: one was Cholkar’s story I remember. Even a friend of mine got a job when he joined Mahaparayan. Now, I am sure everyone’s wishes will be fulfilled, Baba is working for it.
Baba don't take otherwise, this time I am asking about my marriage wish. I just wish to marry him as I can’t imagine anyone else as my partner. I don't want to carry pa
in for a lifetime, so I am asking You repeatedly. Sorry, Baba, I am always praying for basic things in human life. I have to wait and pray for it, because of last birth’s deeds, but You are always there to help me.
Extremely sorry Baba for posting my experience so late, it's almost 2 years. Now, I am going to change to a new job with better pay only with Your blessings. Please be with me there also Baba like how You do now. It will help to clear off all my debts. You saved my family from a huge financial crunch by providing a job at the right moment. Thank You, Baba. I always remember that today my family is able to eat and is alive only because of You Sai. For any mistakes, selfishness please forgive me Baba. I am trying to be a good human, but sometimes my faith shakes. Keep Your loving hand on my family and me always.