Hridam Basu



Hridam Basu




3 mins

Have you ever wondered, WHY do you study?Is it only to get a job?Ok.Accepted.But then again, the question arises WHY do you want to get a job?Is it to live a decent or say, a luxurious life?Ok.Accepted.Now again the very important question arises, WHY do you want to live a super luxurious life?Now, here I dont think, I can guess an answer. WHY people want it that way?May be, because, there is nothing more they can think of?I mean by luxurious,let us take some examples:Say you want to visit some beautiful place in some part of the world.Now, this may be the outcome of your longstanding wish or, this may be just an attempt to deliver your eyes with as good a thing as possible before they die out; or, this may be just to take a few days off from your busy schedule and enjoy with your near and dear ones; and in the last case I am but assuming that it is the outcome of some extra facility that your office is providing you; or, because you dont know where to spend your bank balance very quickly in as effective a manner as possible so as to be, extremely happy at the same time?Now, that calls for a lot of options.Lets ponder over that for a little while.

In the mean time, let us check some of the other answers that, could have been given to some of my previous questions.Lets say, we want to get a job, so that we can make both ends meet.Ok.So lets suppose that I am doing a job, so that I can live and make both ends meet.Now, we want to save a little more and start a family.So, WHY is it in the 1st place?Is it, because we want a life partner?But we can only end the chapter there, by marrying someone and choosing a life partner, and spend the rest of our lives with them.But we want to have kids.WHY?Is it only because, we want to increase the name of our family?Or, Is it only because, we want to prove our life to the outside world?Or, is it a means of adding manpower, to the hugely growing market?

But! there was another possible answer, to why we want to earn more money.Some people say, they want to do social service?WHY?Now I must admit, the buck stops here.There should be absolutely no reason, to do social reason.The only reason is humanity.It stems from the altruistic nature, that every individual inherently possesses.Perhaps, all of my earlier WHYs have this same focal point, or should I say, it must converge at this ultimate goal.The only reason, I find living my life is; to do good to others.Our lives are simply not worthy, if we cant live a life, where we cant make a difference in the lives of others.

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